The real reason for brains?

I've stumbled upon the video of Daniel Wolpert on TED Talks, entitled "the real reason for brains". It has a lot of useful information in it regarding movement control and planning. In a nutshell everything we do in our everyday life involves movement and most of it ( 95 %) is operating below our conscious awareness. We can only move in the ways the brain know how and consider safe to do, it chooses the way to perform the task based on the previous experience and information it receives from different sensory input. So what can we do to improve our movement? Answer is simple - move!!! 

Motor Learning Concept 

"novel stimulus demands attention and creates awareness"
Novelty has been shown to engage the pre-frontal cortex in humans. Novel stimulus garners attention and our attention makes things happen. When we attempt a new and complicated movement pattern, the proprioceptive system becomes sensitised. To learn and attain the skill, our motor and sensory cortices soak up huge amount of feedback from the body. With patience and dedication, our intention, imagination and motor performance begin to align and movement begins to materialise. 
(David Fleming, Luke Sherrell 2015)

The Brain Gymnast

In this course you will gain understanding of neuroanatomy of movement and learn specific ways of activating different communication pathways between brain and the body. Each weekly class progresses from simple movements to build foundations to perform more complex movement patterns which engage attention, improve balance, posture and stimulate stronger activity in the brain. All of those tools will give the participants opportunity to create their own sequence of movement following the idea that “what you create you can’t forget” and encourage them to keep reinventing their body movement after completion of the course. We will look into physiology of breathing and learn how to decrease sympathetic (flight or fright) nervous system and increase the parasympathetic dominance (rest and digest) in the body.  

  • the basic Neuroanatomy involved in movement, posture and balance
  • the important role of the cerebellum
  • what is neuroplasticity and neuron theory
  • fun and novel ways to move related to the context covered
  • Tai Chi and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the West
Who is it for?
Absolutely anyone!
Whether you’re into sports, dance or any movement practice or simply into tthe “know how” of the body, this course is for you.
Kilkenny School Project, Waterford Rd. Kilkenny @ 6.45 pm -8 pm 6, 13, 20 July 2017
Price: € 20 per class
I recommend that you check out the video I was talking about.
All the best

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